Saturday, July 21, 2007

The truth is

"Beautiful Ones"-Prince
I miss Plan B (just a little). I kinda got use to the calls, lunch dates, the miscellaneous flirting, etc. I guess I shouldn't say miss. It may not be the most fitting word, but he has definitely ran across my mind this week. I didn't realize we had not spoken to each other in a month. I don't think the situation was the best one, but we definitely shared some good times. My friend tells me to let the power struggle go and pick up the phone. I refuse!!!! He doesn't want to talk to me, because I didn't want to talk to him for a period and time. I think the separation is for the best, but I wish it would had happen after we work on some stuff for me and my birthday passed. What makes matter worse is I haven't found a replacement. That's the real problem!!!!! I need to acknowledge brothers and give the permission to approach me. I need to be open.


Anonymous said...

What a jerk you are, Not only was he your “Plan B”…your option, your back up…that you cant even pick up the phone for ( Duuuh I wonder why he is not calling you) but you are little upset it did not happen at more convenient time for you??? N***GA Please! I hope he never speaks to you again in life! He would be a fool if he does. Ohhhh So you wanted a “plan B” to make you feel safe, and to stroke your ego, but he can leave as soon as you drained every bit of whatever he was going to for you and your birthday…..Then you would have no regrets because you would have sucked this poor boy dry and you would have no second thought because you would know there was nothing else left to take. What an Asshole you are!

@GaryTylone said...

Um...Wow @ above. I thought you were with someone and all domestic and things...whats goin on ?

Anonymous said...

Nothing is going on just calling it how I see it!

iii said...

There is no good time like the present. Be open, smile a little more. Be the person that makes a person want to coome up to you to say hello.

C. Baptiste-Williams said...

jill is so phenomenal

yet another black guy said...

if you want to be with him, swallow your pride and call. apologize, let him do the same. talk calmly.

take it from me: old fools used to be young fools. don't grown into an old fool trying to prove a point.

if he isn't the one for you, then let him find someone that will look at him that way. the same that you would want.