Friday, September 28, 2007

exhale....I woke up this morning with the spirit of thanksgiving. I feel so blessed and my faith ensures me things are going to turn around. I hope everyone is feeling empowered today. If not, do something about it!


Dayne Avery said...

Hey, thats how I feel and we had similar posts. Are you in my mind?

D.LavarJames said...

Love yall for bein so positive!

Keep on doin yall thang!!

One Man’s Opinion said...

Exhale is right. I had to speak to my troops the other day about the negative energy that some of them bring to the department. I told them it is energy I don't care to waste. You know, people will steal your energy and your joy, if you let them. Sorry Bastards! LOL

WhozHe said...

I accept that word of enouragement and will use it to truly be empowered today.