Thursday, August 30, 2007

I'm a celebrity (I guess)

Playing~"The radio"

I think I've become some type of celebrity. Everyone is talking about me at work. Is he gay or Straight? "I don't think he's gay. He's not thuggish, that's all. Girl, my friend said his radar went off when he saw him. Oh." "How old is he?" "He looks young, but he's pretty mature I'm not sure". This is the type of conversation that has been taking place regarding me. I don't know why I'm so interesting to people. I go to work and I leave. I don't eat with people outside of my assistant for the most part. I don't talk about people unless they are doing something outrageous. I think me not addressing it makes it more of a topic. I didn't realize how wide spread it was until someone who doesn't even work with me told me about the conversation they have been privy too. I wasn't phase, but I was a little aggravated. I would think people would have more stuff to do and talk about outside of me. I guess I'm wrong.

Apparently, they were talking before I came to the build (my current job was a internal promotion in the company, but different building). I didn't care until someone who I managed talked to me about it. I was pissed off then. Why would executives gossip to someone that I'm going to be managing? She has ever so slightly tried to get me to talk about the "gay" rumor and I never bite. However, she has stop people from asking me about it. The nerve of these mouth*&^%&*^ what makes you think you can just step to me like that. Anyway, it's slowly starting to get on my nerves because I realize how wide spread the conversation about me are. Plus, this is outright tacky. This is nothing new, but that still doesn't eliminate how annoying it can be. I never address stuff like that. I use to like 3 years ago, but now I don't care enough to address it.

I'm going to be without internet for like 5 days (y'all know I'm going to die). Anyway, how are you guys dealing with your haters?


Anonymous said...

Just ignore it. But if they are bold enough to come to your face I would be be bold enough to tell them to get the hell out of my face before I go to HR with the Sexual Harasment Charge.

I know I know, extreme. but when a friend was going through the same thing that word scares those corparate types into submission.

Unknown said...

My haters aren't interesting enough to make me sick...LOL
That said, if you're not in my inner circle, chances are YOU and your convo are moot points to me. I have too much going on to invest time in folks and issues that are unimportant.
If you are asked directly, a simple, "I think your question is inappropriate and intrusive. Don't ever ask me that again," will serve to embarass the fuck out of them.

Mr. Jones said...

Shake it off. It happens. Of course none of them are bold enough to actually ask.

That Dude Right There said...

My new motto is "fcuk them hoes". People are going to talk and I just let them talk.

On the other hand, I have a "don't advertise, don't deny policy". I don't tell people that I am a homosexual until the ask. But if they ask, I tell the truth because I have nothing to hide.

yet another black guy said...

i've had this stuff happen to me alot as well. ultimately, people are curious and want to know what's up. of course, it's none of their business.

it's only an issue because you won't just come out and let them know your sexuality. and really, you shouldn't have to. if ya'll don't hang after work, then you don't owe anyone any explanation.

besides, if they can't bring it straight to you, F them.

Anonymous said...

What trips me out is there have been homosexuals in the world since the Renaissance. In this day and age, you'd think people would be over the "gay" thing.

Then again, you have some individuals who've lived sheltered lives. I blame the stereotypes portrayed on TV. If you're not thuggish or you don't holla at every female you see (let alone looking at their ass), then you "might be" perceived as gay. What the hell's going on???