Friday, August 29, 2008

This weekend

Interesting is not the word to describe this weekend. I'm in the process of moving. I have family coming. HE is coming. I have to entertain my family, friends, and him. Plus, I have to move and you know I have to get a few two steps in this weekend. Do you guys remember when this happen last (it produce two post both were funny). I was pretty sure my mother and I was going to have the talk this weekend. I wasn't expecting to come out to my cousin too. I think taking her to a gay club with be the best j/k! I think it would be a quick fix though, because I have to slide in someone's party before the weekend is over. She loves to party, so I doubt if I will be able to leave her. I tested Corey's pride agenda last night . He was dead on the money I rode pass Bulldogs at 3 am and it was out of control.

Slick is determine not to go out. He doesn't want to be "exposed" or spend his money. The exposure part is funny, because he is a lady. Everyone knows already! He almost lost his strength when we rode pass Bulldogs after leaving Ihop. He start chanting "I'm not going out". BOY STOP! Instead he is going to live vicariously through me. He trying to pick out clothes and everything. He is about to lose his mind trying to learn this wobble dance. I plan on being completely carefree this weekend. I'm not worried about managing anyone or any corporate crap. I'm going to act a fool at some point.


Acoustic Soul said...

LMAO @ Slick being a lady! You seem to have a whole lot going on. How do you plan on moving and entertaining at the same time. Geez! You might be able to teach Martha Stewart a thing or two.

Chet said...

Get your damn fool on and enjoy yourself just remember to have "go home sense" once the evening comes to a close.

Enjoy your weekend that includes entertaining family, friends and Mister (the lady). Have a great weekend.

May the moving transisition easily, moving is a Bitch!