Friday, November 30, 2007

Perception is everything

Some people's perception of things will really blow your mind. Have you had an experience and someone thought it was great and you thought I could have missed this whole experience? Then, you have to bring them back to reality. aahhmm...were you and I experiencing the same thing? I had to give someone that reality recently. "I don't know if you noticed, but I didn't have the same reaction you did. It wasn't good for me." My friends thought I was cold for telling the truth to the person, but they really were ego trippin' and I was like what are yyyyoooouuu talking about? I also had to check myself regarding matters surrounding this encounter. Have you had to bring someone back to reality?

I've been bottom lining it for myself and everyone around me. Remove all of the bs ppl are telling us (I've been hurt, I'm scared, I'm confused,etc). We keep rationalizing this BS. We came to the conclusion we need to do better, but will we?

1 comment:

yet another black guy said...

i feel you homie. giving it to people straight no chaser will make you less popular, but at least you sleep at night.