Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lies and truths

PH.D ( an older gay friend) tells me from time to time "you're going to end up with a woman". Slick has told me the same thing for years. When PH.D said it for the first time I was taken aback. We had been around each other at the most five times. I immediately tried to defend my Heck, I'm just getting comfortable and here you are telling me I'm going to end up with a woman. I asked him to explain his logic. He has seen "me" several times. Guys who find men attractive, dated men, and in some cases loved men. However, the lifestyle proved to be lonely, exclusive, and messy, so they left it alone all together. PH.D simply thinks I don't fit into the culture and I'm too logical to stay somewhere I don't fit (this is true). He and I have discussed our logic on this issue several times. Actually, I agreed with a great deal of his reasoning, but my point was "I don't want to live a lie". Do I find woman attractive? Yes. Could I have sex with a woman? Yes. However, there is no denying that I find men attractive. I've always found men attractive.

I hate to admit it, but somedays I feel like PH.D is right. Today is one of those days.


C. Baptiste-Williams said...

However, the lifestyle proved to be lonely, exclusive, and messy, so they left it alone all together.

i think this has a lot to do with the people you surround yourself with. i have had a small group of friends that have been around from 7-10 years now and our relationship doesnt feature any of those traits... well maybe exclusive in the aspect of who we allow in our circle. And I dont think those traits are exclusive to any one community.

Corey Keith said...

I agree with C. Baptiste... You need to get out and hang with us more!

@GaryTylone said...

I can understand what PHD is saying. I'm sure it has crossed many a man's mind ( whether they want to admit it or not). I've also seen the action many times... However, I think thats the easy way out. Yeah, go on and hang out with Corey, you'll meet some great people and indulge a little bit...geez

life said...

I know, I can be such a bore. I happy somebody is being honest (t.p.).