Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Has practicality taken away your dreams? As adults we often find ourselves redefining the parameters of our childhood and young adult dreams. How are you coping with it?


D-Place said...

Thanks for visiting my spot.

You'll be redefining for the rest of your life. After awhile I guess you just get used to it like the changing of the weather.

Unknown said...

I'm learning to accept more of my shortcomings and strive to attain all that I've always wanted without restricting myself and believing that any of it is out of my reach. Hey, so far, I'm not doin' so bad... :)

Chet said...

Gotta admit I have had some issues with redefinding as a whole, my childhood dreams did not come true and my adult life isn't exactly what this brotha had expected or planned, but the universe has been good to me , and as allowed me to make some things in my life attainable and for that my life is good to say the least. This is what happens to a dream deferred...

Raw Thoughts said...

not sure really on how to answer this. I have always dreamed my dreams with logic. If it didn't seem logical, then I never wanted it!

Corey Keith said...

Wow. I am dealing with this now and I am determined to make those dreams come true. I watched Oprah on Friday and made a vision wall. It really seemed like the stupidest thing I had ever heard of, but everytim I look at my display of the things I would like to accomplish, I am motivated and inspired to achieve. It has just taken a weekend for me to get motivate to get up and get to work on making my life what I want it to be.

fuzzy said...

I would say that I wished for the stars, but its not likely that i would get to have one, right? I would say it has, but I am trying to hold to the basics. Without a dream, there can be no new realities!

Anonymous said...

I think as children we spend less time assessing risk and more time executing. We explored and embraced adventure. Even in the urban jungles! But as we age, we soon find that we are governed more by the boundaries set by society instead of those within our minds. Sucks like hell!

. said...

i have put myself, i guess, in my own form of limbo. i am stuck between trying to realize dreams and just being practical, pragmatic and doing what will pay the bills. or at least will assuredly will pay the bills for a lifetime.

its hard, being caught between the two, especially when you put expectations on yourself as well as the expectations that others have of you, but i am my OWN man. the decisions in my life are mine so now i have to put that affirmation into reality and place it into a realm of truth and go after my dreams.

running from your dreams, or at least if i continue to run from mine, it will simply be out of fear and i am claiming no more fear in '08 and furthermore.

BuddahDesmond said...

For the most part, my dreams haven't changed. They are tugging and pulling at me more now then ever. I think what I have been doing is reassessing/reevaluating where I am now, where I want to be, and what I need to do to get there. One thing that has held me back in the past is fear - fear of the unknown, fear of taking the risks, and fear of what others will say/think. But I've been striving to get beyond that and trying to just do it. Step by step. It's not going to happen overnight but it definitely won't happen if you aren't doing anything to work towards it.