Sunday, February 25, 2007

Makings of me

Sometimes I reflect on myself and I'm amazed. Amazed at my growth and how much I've overcome.

Younger version of me: I was insecure and color struck. Wondering why all the red boys got the love letters and I didn't get any. I remember staying in the house for a good portion of one summer because I didn't want to get any darker.
Now: Insecurities are next to non-exist. There are some areas I wish to improve, but I'm not insecure about any opportunities I may have as a person. My complexion is something I'm fond of.

Younger version of me: My temper was really bad and I thought fighting was the only way I could demonstrate my frustration. It's like I would blank out for a second and not realize what was going on. For example, I stab my own cousin over a game. I didn't realize how serious it was until the ambulance arrived. I just went off.
Now: I'm so slow to be angry. Most people would never aspect that I could be so violent. I'm so quick to realize it's not worth it. My temper can still be a challenge, but now, I'm good at expressing to people how I feel about something and move on or disassociate myself from whatever it is that is frustrating me.

Younger version of me: I was slightly dyslexic and struggled with learning the curriculum. It was to the point that I had to get tested. The tested revealed my comprehension was fine.
Now:I graduated from one of the best universities (public) and my college is ranked in the top 10 per Newsweek. Even though on rare occasions I struggle to this day. I don't when it will happen it just does. It's like my mind stops processing things correctly for a moment.

Younger version of me: Even though, I was somewhat of an loner, but somehow, I was always popular (you figure it out). I sought love and validation from other people. I compromised integrity, morals, and my body to be validated and loved by people.
Now: I realize that the greatest love and validation comes from you and God. I'm so in love with me (not in the conceited way). If you have to compromise anything to be loved and/or validated by someone they don't want you. They want whomever they have created in their mind...plain and simple.

I'm grateful for everything that has occurred in my life. The humble up bringing (it made me tough and appreciative), the self-doubt (it made me dig deeper..I'm so confident now), the doubters (they gave me drive), the molester (you taught me's so easy now), the betrayals (weirdly this taught me trust)..the list goes on. All of these experienced made me!


C. Baptiste-Williams said...

it is always so good to recognize your own growth.

terpFAN said...

life, for the record i like the 2.0 version of you ... these are some good life lessons

That Dude Right There said...

It sounds like you have approached the next level of maturity.