Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I'm starting to believe something is wrong with me. I cannot stay interested in anyone for a length period of time (less than a month). Is anyone having this problem? I've always been this way. In the past six months, I've met two good guys. Both were into me, but something was missing. What they were missing I can't tell you. Both complained about me being guarded. I'm starting to think it's not the people, its me.


Turn me up a lil said...

I have the same problem. lol

Crazy Diamond said...

I would have a hard time maintaining interest in most guys after a nutt, so your one-month period of interest is actually pretty impressive :)

I'm not sure anything is wrong with you, but you might want to flesh your feelings out a little more. When you first meet these guys, do you get the feeling that you're going to really like them and then it fizzles out? Or do you keep waiting for strong feelings to develop on your part and they never do?

The only way I could see it being a problem is if you are initially interested in these guys, contemplate pursuing things with them, but then lose interest because you're subconsciously telling yourself that there is someone better out there. The grass will always be greener on the outside. But I hope someone will come along and touch your body and spirit in a way that leaves you with no doubt that no one is better for your life.

Acoustic Soul said...

I used to be like that. They just aren't stimulating you. Don't sweat it.

And if it is you, SO WHAT! You are responsible for your happiness. When the right one comes along, you'll know it.

The Voice of DemondMaurice said...

Maybe it is you and that's fine. Just admit it yourself and go from there. We all have our periods where we are just not as ready as we think we are. You will know when you are ready and you will know when you meet right one.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you're just not ready, which is cool. Better to take your time than to rush into something.