Friday, December 28, 2007

More like 2 degrees of seperation

I guess it's true. We all are connected. My Cuddle Buddy(CB) started pushing the envelope like 3-weeks ago. I began to avoid his whether direct comments, becuase I didn't want to be rude or hurt his feelings. However, I was still seen as nasty when I brushed comments off. Maybe, I may have made their efforts come across as juvenile. I guess my CB decided to move on, which is fine. It ws become a bit of a yawn fest anyway. We talked today and he released what he thought would be an atomic bomb. I've beening seeing this other guy, I really like him, blah, blah. I'm like "good for you". How did you meet, blah, blah. He brags on the guy. He wanted me to be jealous, but I was like "no really this is a good thing". Then, he gives details on his new "friend". I'm like OMG...I think I know the "love of your life" (me and my darn sacrasm). Well, what do you know it's him (the one who tried to hide that he was gay). It's cute, because I'm all but sure dude was checking for me a few months ago. CB calls, he gets on the phone, he's laughing, and I'm thinking no big deal. I later text him to tease him. He acts like he still doesn't like boys. I'm blown...get the f*** out of here.

So, I'm being hit on at work. Maybe, I should call it sexual harassment. This boy is saying in a little girly voice "could you do this for me daddy?" Grabbing me "don't leave me [insert some warm and fuzzy name]. I'm like YUCK! Get away...your not attractive and your antics make you even more unattractive. What should I do?


fuzzy said...

What kinda work do you do?

Anonymous said...

Oh, the kids and the games... they never seem to get tired!

Have you told the person at work that his behavior is offensive?

yet another black guy said...

you should pull homie aside and concisely tell him his tomfoolery has come to an end. ASAP!

as for ol' boy, just be glad you don't have to deal with him anymore.