Friday, February 06, 2009

Friends and "friend"

Playing -"midnite"-j. Sullivan
(In the barber shop)

You've met someone and you guys are in the getting to know stage. Of course, this is a touchy stage. You want to spend time with the person and you want to keep your regular routine. Finding that balance is tricky, would you agree? I completely made a mess a month or so ago. I was trying to reassure my best friend that I'm not going to abandon him. In my doing this, things became unbalanced. The dude was confused about where we were going. After about a month things began to get shacky. Has anyone experienced this? How did you handle the balancing act? I definitely see critical moments that damaged a potentially good relationship. I definitely don't think he was the "one" (if that exist). Anyway, give me your feedback


Kendal said...

So I just fell in love with your blog, apparently I'm late on it, but better late than never...having two best friends and quite a few other friends and someone I'm getting to know is always conflicting. My friends never like the guys I date, EVER...but they still want me to be happy so they somewhat understand, but I make sure sure I at least see talk to them everyday. Now the guy you're getting to know should understand that you've had a life before him and there are probably people in it that are important so that where taking things slow comes into place...I don't know if this helped and sorry I wrote a novel...oh and let him know you understand that he had a life before you also and maybe you can both relate to each other more...maybe?

Keisha Kornbread said...

I think when you find the one, there is no need to balance because it just works out. Friends have to realize that things change when you find love. Selfish friends will want things to stay the same and monopolize your time. Good friends will want you to be happy and will be supportive.

fuzzy said...

I think i'm about to go through this right now... for the first time too!