Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Do we give too much power to a nut?

Ph.D thinks we do. I was out with Ph.D and a few other associates. We discussed monogamy. Half of the table felt like monogamy was unnatural. We aren't wired to be with one person. We are naturally attracted to more than one person at one time.

They were okay with an open relationship, but the person had to be honest about their feelings and encounters. Their process was if the person meets all of my needs, I don't care about them busting a nut with someone else. What are you're thoughts on monogamy being unnatural? Could you handle an open relationship?

Personally, I couldn't deal with an open relationship. If I'm emotional invested in someone I don't want to share any intimate part of them with someone else. Call me old fashion


WhozHe said...

Although monogamous relationships are difficult, I've never seen an open relationship work. The lack of commitment often leads to feelings developing for someone outside of the relationship.

Acoustic Soul said...

I'm with you bro! We don't go blind deaf and dumb once we enter into a relationship so of course we'll see something that attracts us. We'll hear things about who we've attractied, and we well for sure see someone that we things is FINE! It's all in how we act/react to these situations. Monogomy is NOT unnatural. Open relationships are (in my opinion)

bLaQ~n~MiLD said...

Where are you from again...? Absolutely LOVE the conversations you seem to find yourself in. Da hell is wrong with these people? "Oh, go head baby. Go fuck ol boy. I know you coming home to me" bla bla bla. LoL. Please tell me you sit at the table with you mouth hanging open.


Crazy Diamond said...

For me, it's not about open vs. closed, but rather honesty vs. lies. If your man knows that you want a monogamous relationship, he is going to give you a "monogamous" relationship and keep all his dirt to himself.

That Dude Right There said...

The mere mention of the words "open relationship" or "threesome" from my partner are the end the relationship.

JACK said...

The notion that monogamy is unnatural is the polygamists argument to be able to, for lack of a better phrase, plant seeds everywhere. There is nothing unnatural about monogamy - just because you find something appealing doesn't mean you have to mount it. A simple statement of fact to acknowledge that someone else is attractive is fine ... but if your ability to control your impulses is akin to that of a 10-year old, then you might adopt the philosophy that monogamy is unnatural. For the traditional, grown UP adult ... it's maturity, self-control ... love.


Anonymous said...

I am a realist and I understand that things happen when in a relationship with someone, but my gut goes with monogamy! There are different kinds of relationships, but I am a believer in sex is one of those things that differentiates my friends from my man. Though I LOVE it, I don't want to have it with everyone!!!