Thursday, November 09, 2006

Something is not right

Playing "resentment" Jazmin

I don't know what's going on with me, but I'm seeking validation, which is not my style. I'm always the one telling my friends to validate themselves..."forget what everyone else thinks" "You don't need anyone to confirm what you already know". Well, I need to take my own advice. My recent move is making me insecure. Questioning things that always worked. My personality, my looks, etc... by now I would at least met a few friends and had someone express interest. Well, one or two have expressed interest, but they were scary to be honest. One asian lady tries to take me in the bathroom and some guy tried to hint that he wanted to hang out. Part of this is my fault. I don't really go out, but I really don't know where to go. I'm not the most inviting, but I do speak and that scarys people. They stare you up and down, then you speak the look at the floor.


fuzzy said...

Try to validate yourself, you might not find someone to validate you... so play it safe

life said...

My confidence is back...I guess, i was just having a moment